Chapter 11

Life on Earth.

I am now nearly one.

I have been back to hospital many, many times but on each occasion they send me back home with a thumbs up (or half up). I just think they miss me really, that’s why they keep asking me back.

But I haven’t got time to mess about in hospitals anymore, I’ve been busy!

Being a baby from outer space who has to live on this strange planet with all its bug and colds and weird things like reading and writing is never going to be easy. But I’ll get the hang of it.

And it’s all thanks to hundreds of very nice Earth people. Without their help this story would have been like E.T. but without the happy ending where he gets to go home.

So all I can say is a super special thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far. You are all legends and I promise to dribble on you when I next see you.

However, as lovely as you are, my favourite Earth people will always be these.

        The best job in the world.
        by T. H. Williams

        Milkman are nice and as quiet as mice
        As they coast on their floats like ghosts.

        Lighthouse keepers are ocean sweepers
        Shepherding the ships from the shore.

        Fireman are free if you’re stuck up a tree
        Or your sausages have gone bang in the pan.

        Lollypop ladies can halt a Mercedes
        With one swish of their dish on a stick.

        Beekeepers are sweet at coaxing a treat 
        From their busying dizzying brood. 

        Trawler men brave a watery grave
        Simply to put fish with our chips.   

        Bakers are kneady and our tummy’s greedy
        For their cakes and baps and tasty scraps.

        Teachers are great when they’re not too irate
        And lecturing like preachers at bored little creatures.

        Doctors are fine most of the time
        But give ‘em a bug or an exotic drug to a human any day. 

        Now here’s my confession for the number one profession
        Have you guessed? There is no contest. Nurses are best.